Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Alexis did great in surgery today. I can't believe it's actually over! After all that anticipation!
They gave her the meds through a breathing mask which meant no IV. Awesome! And they didn't have to put the breathing tube down her throat. More awesomeness! They laid in on the back of her tongue just to be there for emergencies. I told her if she was brave and didn't cry she could get 5 movies to watch and she held me too it. =) Of course.
She'll have her soft cast on for 7 to 10 days and then stitches come out and she's back to normal. Yay!
The best part was when Kai closed his eyes for a couple minutes in the little hospital room and Alexis said, "Dad!! Wake up! This is my special day remember??" Hee hee hee.
